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Pärre Bonk II (1885–1943) dabbled in a vast variety of scientific theories, principles and inventions, but it was not until 1932 that he was able to draw all these threads together in a unifying theory of wave mechanics that unleashed a gamut of new technologies.
All energy is vibration. From Gamma waves at a frequency of 1022 through the visible spectrum at 1014 and on through radio, and then to music at its lowest audibility of 25 Hz - all is one long salami of waves. And anywhere you slice the salami, you get a clock running at a different speed. The ability to convert one form of radiation to another lies at the core of many Bonk technologies. From the biomagnetic Kosmo to the Paranormal gun and up to the Quasar of today - the key that unlocks all these secrets is the science of electromagnetism, which is the transfer of packets of energy from one atom to another.

Meteorological balloon with electromagnetic geopathic capillary action.
The Aalto Research Laboratory, Hogland.
photo: Olli Lehtinen
Stimulated by fantastic displays of the Aurora Borealis in 1915, Pärre Bonk postulated the existence of electromagnetic fields that he called the Van Gogh Belts. These striations of powerful magnetism emanating from the poles were found to contain geopathic capillary strata which were the key to the flight of Bonk electromagnetic balloons. The interaction of cosmic rays with the radon-charged enochite dust in the ‘balloon’ created a magnetic field differential which provided the lift for the balloon to ascend.

1948 Mobile wave transformer with a wave transrippling range of 1018 Hz - 250 Hz.
Bonk's Machine Factories, Uusikaupunki.
Launched in Chicago in 1948, where it was quickly nicknamed 'The Flying Pig', the '45' played a significant role in the energy-consuming industrial expansion of the post-war period, especially in the USA, where almost 50.000 '45's were sold in 1949. By 1950, almost all Gnagg Booster production had been moved to North America, where an office was established in New York and a factory in Philadelphia.

Bonk MindLab
As technologies increasingly converge, and the boundaries of disciplines dissolve, we need to quickly implement local innovation across all our industrial and service sectors. The Bonk MindLab coordinates research and testing for the entire group.

Bonk Power Branding
The most sophisticated tools for branding ever created

Bonk Engineering • POV
The POV holistic viewer gives every content creator a point of view. The POV means lossless reality, infinite frame rates and zero intermittency. The POV offers media professionals a way of seeing differently.
Invisible technology
POV means user-driven invisible technology with an advanced UI, remote monitoring, and open 256-bit architecture. The POV offers lossless reality storage in the user’s own SSD memory (minimum 729 self-organising neuronal fractal dimensional array recommended).
POV Viewer Specifications
Ultra Photon radiation 390 – 750 nm
16 K Precision SUHD
Axonal 3D
DCP compliant
Enhanced UI
Native GPS locationing
A POV studio environment is supported by the POV UX, an electronic point-of-production server that energises each client POV viewer for approximately 24 hours of normal use. The POV UX server is designed to blend into the social design environment of any modern media production facility.
Ecologically designed
Fully recyclable
Extended media lifecycle
POV UX server specifications
Self-organising media management
Enhanced metadata interface
256 bit architecture with managed workflow
FoG-based storage and delivery
Low power 25 mWa
50 - 250v 50 Hz AC
User memory requirements
Open architecture
Lossless reality
The POV System is exclusively distributed worldwide by TV Tools Oy.
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