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contact: admin<at>
Job Summary
The research facility of the Love Mist production unit in San Francisco CA, seeks applications for a Senior Pheromone Chemist. Candidates will be familiar with the manipulation of both unicellular prokaryotes and multicellular eukaryotes in aggregation, alarm, epideictic, release, signalling, priming, territorial, trailing, and mating scenarios, particularly in humans. A deep understanding of lordosis behaviour in humans would be a considerable advantage to the applicant.
If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit a current CV and 2-page research statement via the email address in this section.
Job Summary
The product development department of the Raba Hiff Manufacturing and Assembly Plant at Trollhättan seeks an Advanced Photon Radiation Designer. Candidates will have a minimum of ten years experience in industrial non-ionising radiation design. Knowledge and practice of wave-particle duality in brand communication would be of considerable advantage to the applicant
If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit a current CV and 2-page design statement via the email address in this section.
Job Summary
The Bonk Industries Genomics Institute in Sydney, Australia seeks applications for the Director of the institute. We are particularly interested in candidates who develop or employ cell, molecular, genomic, and computational technologies to study fundamental biological questions, including understanding species-species and species-environment interactions by using unconventional modelling systems. 
If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit a current CV and 2-page genomics research statement via the email address in this section.
Job Summary
The Bonk Industries Cosmic Laboratory in Vågdal seeks applications for a senior dimensional engineer in the 4-micron Singularity Toxic Waste Disposal unit. The work of the unit is classified (FI/Ma 12843). Applicants will be thoroughly vetted before details of the post are revealed. You will be contacted.
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